Top Things To Do at a Montessori Dog School

by Matt Bronsil, author of English as a Foreign Language in the Montessori Classroom

Yes, there is such a Montessori Dog School

a dog in a suit

Now. Is it a real Montessori place? No. But few know that the name "Montessori" is not trademarked. So anyone can open up anything Montessori: Want a Montessori bakery? OK.
Montessori car sales place? Why not?!?!
Montessori gun and tank store? SURE! Nobody is there to stop you!

How awesome is that!?

But it did make me wonder: what would happen in a Montessori dog training school? are my top 10 activities:

One final one for the Elementary Teachers: Cosmic Education---finally realizing we are all one big part of something bigger. Therefore, we finally know that we are all a good boy. Oh yes, we are!

Matt Bronsil is the author of these posts. He can be contacted at

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