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by Matt Bronsil, author of English as a Foreign Language in the Montessori Classroom

After over two decades in Montessori, I have written quite a few articles, been interviewed, provided workshops, and written a couple of books. I love helping people better understand Montessori, so feel free to contact me with any questions. I'll do my best to help. You can view either my articles or videos/podcasts. If you like what you see, visit my book page. My books start at just $2.99 if you use Kindle.

Books and Articles

Book: Before the Sandpaper Letters

Before the Sandpaper Letters

Many Montessori teachers know what to do in the 3-6 classroom when it comes to the sandpaper letters and movable alphabet. Still, many are unsure what to do before that to help children learn to read and write. Phonological awareness is a critical, but often overlooked, part of the curriculum. This is true in Montessori and traditional settings. "Before the Sandpaper Letters" provides practical advice and activities from a seasoned Montessori teacher. You'll learn such things as print awareness, word awareness, rhyming, and phonemic awareness. This book also comes with a glossary of reading terms to help you better learn and communicate in the field. This is what every Montessori teacher should know, but may not have gotten in their training.

Book: EFL Montessori Classroom

English as a Foreign Language in the Montessori Classroom

Though there are Montessori schools around the world, there is little published about teaching a foreign or second language in a Montessori environment. Matt Bronsil has been working in Taiwan for over a decade and shares his experience and expertise of teaching English as a foreign language in a Montessori 3-6 year old environment. English as a Foreign Language in the Montessori Classroom looks at:--Understanding the Montessori Method.--Evaluating the needs of your students and school.--Philosophy of teaching a foreign language.--Teaching oral communication skills.--Teaching writing and reading.--Advanced reading skills for this age.

Montessori Teacher working with child with the bead frame
Counting or Playing?

Counting or Playing was the first article I wrote for Montessori Life Magazine in 2005. It uses the example of a parent calling to ask about her child "playing with beads all day," but goes into how to address parent concerns as they come up.

pennies laying on a table
Polishing the Penny

Polishing the Penny was one of my first blog posts on my old website, Montessori Matt. It got adapted to an article for the American Montessori Society's magazine, Montessori Life. They have fantastic articles for parents that you can read free on their website. You can read my article here.

ADHD background image
Why Montessori may be Better for Children with ADHD

In this 2008 article for Tomorrow's Child I explored various reasons why a good Montessori Environment is a positive option for a child that has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Tomorrow's Child is an independent, non-profit magazine run by The Montessori Foundation.

Scientist looking at a test tube
How Montessori Sensorial Materials Support the Scientific Method

"The design of the Montessori sensorial materials provide the child with a deep internal appreciation of the scientific method." I explain the scientific process and how children internalize this process through use of the Montessori sensorial materials. This post was published on the Montessori Laboratory page. Montessori Laboratory offers hands-on lessons and experiments for ages 6-12.

A microphone on stage
5 Strategies for Effective Communication

An interview with me (Matt Bronsil) about how learning improv and standup comedy helped me become a better communicator for Montessori.

Podcasts and Videos

Adrian Maidment podcaster
I'm Also Podcast

Podcaster Adrian Maidment talks to me about Montessori, ventriloquism, comedy, and Taiwan basketball in Episode 40 of the "I'm Also" podcast. As an added bonus, you can find me on episode 53 talking about Taiwan basketball.

Matt Bronsil is the author of these posts. He can be contacted at To contact him or sign up for updates to the site, visit the contact page.

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Recommended Books

The Tao of Montessori Book     TheJoyfulChild     Before the Sandpaper Letters Book    

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